Adaptive bikes pave the way for riders with disabilities so that they too may experience the physical benefits of cycling. Those can include increased joint motion, muscle movement, circulation, core development, coordination and balance.
Transport bikes also contribute to the well-being of disabled riders. Safe and comfortable, they allow children and adults to experience the joy of the outdoors and the simple pleasure of feeling the wind in their hair as they ride with family and friends.
Adaptive Trikes
Adaptive trikes are designed for kids and adults of all ages who cannot comfortably ride a traditional bike because of disabilities or reduced mobility. ​With an adapted trike everyone can experience all the physical and emotional benefits of riding a bike.
Trailer Trikes
Standalone designs OR flexible “quick connect” models allow everyone to ride at once. Our trailer trike add-ons are Best in Class, offering exceptional build quality and allows a bike to be converted to a towed model in under a minute.
Handcycles are a great adaptive equipment for people with disabilities or limited mobility. They can be used for recreational purposes, from riding around the neighbourhood to cycling on trails and more challenging terrain.
Transport Bikes
Transport bikes are designed to carry more than just their rider. A cyclist pedals to propel the bike forward while passengers pedal actively, passively or not all. These bikes are also available with electric assistance.
Walking Bikes
Designed and suited for those with difficulty walking or standing for any period of time. Unlike a traditional bike, they don't have gears, a chain, or even pedals. They provide relief for hips, knees and ankles. Ultra-lightweight, they come with folding options and a low step design for easy transportation in a car, bus or airplane.